The Bel-Con Blog

12 Ways to Green a Building pt. 1

green sign with the words the twelve ways to green a building plus bel-con logo

In keeping with the holiday season we're "re-gifting" by bringing back a series of twitter posts we shared last year. (This counts as recycling, right?)

As design-builders, we believe in constructing efficient buildings for our clients. One of the determining factors of the Total Cost of Ownership is energy efficiency. Building "green" helps clients save money over the lifetime of a building. Here are the first 3 ways that we deliver greener buildings as a Butler Builder.

1. Sustainability

Butler Manufacturing works to incorporate sustainable practices into its products.

Butler Manufacturing combines green technologies and practices with systems construction efficiencies to make sustainable building more affordable. This can be done by reducing material used, re-using or recycling material in the creation of building products and using building systems that require less maintenance.

2. Thermal Performance.

Thermal Performance

Butler uses their Guarded Hotbox to test their roof and wall assemblies. This computerized system collects information used to measure the temperatures, humidity, airflow, and the total energy consumed during the 3-day test period.

3. LEED Practices

LEED Certification

Working with Butler can help you earn LEED certification for your building. Four of the six categories outlined by LEED that contribute to sustainability are applicable to Butler systems:

  • sustainable site
  • energy and atmosphere
  • materials and resources
  • innovation and design process

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