The Bel-Con Blog

Metal Roof Systems: Learn About Standing Seam Roofs

red and green apples on a dark background
Before contracting for a new metal roofing system, it's important to ensure you're comparing apples to apples.

We’ve all heard or said the following “We want to be sure we are comparing apples-to-apples”.  Well the truth is, not all apples are the same.  The same can be said for standing seam metal roof systems.  As we carry on our discussion on metal roof and re-roof systems, we will investigate the differences between the various “apples” out there that fall under the generic term of a “standing seam metal roof”.

One Roof, Many Options

To begin the discussion, we need to define what a standing seam roof actually is.  A standing seam roof is a series of metal panels that are joined together by a seam that “stands” above the roof surface.  This seam has many different looks and configurations.  Some of the more common profiles are shown here;

The various standing seam roofs shown above have different uses and degrees of effectiveness.  Some are strictly for residential applications, some are purely for aesthetics and in fact some are really not great at keeping the elements out and actually rely on an underlying membrane to be the true weather barrier component in the roof system.

The focus of our discussions in our subsequent blog posts on this topic, will be centred on the trapezoidal shaped standing seam roof panel which in Butler Building system terms is known as the MR-24® standing seam roof panel.  And more specifically we will discuss the features that set this roof system apart from the other “apples”.

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