Results of Our Charity Fishing Tournaments
The envelope please!!
The fish have been caught and the results are in! We are pleased to announce the winners of our Bel-Con Charity Fishing Tournaments.
Our 2016 winners are:
We had a number of entries throughout the year and were happy to see so many folks take part. Our wish for this tournament was to have fun, inspire a few friendly rivalries, and maybe even some tall fishing tales of the "one that got away" variety. In the end, we have to declare some winners, which you can see below, along with the chosen charities who will receive the prize money. (Feel free to click the links to these charities to make your own donations)
Third Place is Shane Shalla.

A $200 donation will be made to Shane's chosen charity, the Barry Wilson Memorial Fund.

Second Place goes to Lucas Damario.

(Lucas is the 13 year old grandson of our retired Steel Crew Supervisor (Andy).)
A $300 donation will be made to Lucas' chosen charity, Ronald McDonald House.

First Place, and our grand prize "winner" with championship bragging rights, goes to Gary Higbee.

(Gary is from mid-west U.S. but caught his winning fish in Northern Ontario. He’s part of the SafeStart Team and decided to let Barb Tait choose a local charity. For his generosity he has been named Supreme Leader of the SafeStart Fishing Team.)
A $500 donation will be made to the United Way of Quinte.

Our 2018 winner is:

Grand Prize Winner is Alfred Brown.
A $500 donation will be made to Alfred's chosen charity, the Salvation Army Toy Drive (Kingston).

Congratulations to our winners! We'd like to thank everyone who participated by using one of our Bel-Con Lucky Strike lures in rivers, lakes and favourite fishing holes across the country. We hope you all had fun!