New Appointee to Butler Builder Advisory Council

We're proud to announce the recent appointment of our own Michelle Stephens to the North American Butler Builder Advisory Council. Bel-Con Design-Builders has a long history as a Butler Builder, going back to 1978. Since then we've met and exceeded the needs of our clients by, wherever possible, integrating Butler Manufacturing's industry-leading building systems and products into our design-build process.
There are more than 1,400 building professionals in the Butler network, so participation on the council is indeed, a privilege and an honour. The Butler Builder Advisory Council is comprised of leading Butler Builders who assist in the process of forming, evaluating and rolling out new concepts, tools and solutions to achieve greater success. There are 13 Advisory Council members from across North America with at least 2 members representing each Region. Over the past 2 years, Butler Manufacturing has launched a number of new initiatives with the guidance of the Advisory Council representatives.
Members serve a 2 year term while 4 members are elected by their Council peers to hold over from the previous Council to provide continuity for the subsequent / new Council. A new Advisory Council Chairperson is also elected by the Council members at the end of the 2 year term.
Congratulations, Michelle, on your appointment. We're certain your contributions will be as beneficial to Butler Manufacturing as they are to Bel-Con.